Welcome to Heal & Beyond

When you feel sad, sorry, and negative about yourself your emotions and hormones have the tendency to recall all those similar incidents which made you feel the same way. And if you do not stop this pattern of thinking which makes you feel not so happy and confident about yourself you will end up in a very toxic negative cycle of self-loathing, pitying, and depression.
Life is easy, cheerful, and everything you make it. To all those people who sometimes feel stuck and stagnant hanging in there, I am sure there is more to life. Find your more and become your more and be reasonable & kind to yourself.
Don’t compare your life with others, everyone has their own journey. What might look awesome to you for a few seconds is actually years of hard work, endurance, and heaps of effort from that person. Don’t let those things overwhelm you and doubt your own caliber. Everyone has their own path, journey, goal, purpose, and destiny. Even a small twig of negative emotion affects the whole body’s health.
I have seen people with perfect lifestyles but lots of resentment, jealousy, and hatred and it gets them nowhere near whole-body health.
Be open about ‘how you feel’. Share it with family, friends, siblings, a therapist and get yourself back on track. Time helps you heal.
First is a happy mind then only you will be able to make the right choices for food, exercise, and lifestyle.
A message straight from my heart to your heart.
Love xo

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