Welcome to Heal & Beyond

Hi everyone,

It is that time of the week when I write and share a personal experience. So here it goes!

We all like a little extra. Don’t we? 

In the past few years, I have reminded myself to live a little extra, laugh a little extra, love a little extra, forgive a little extra and smile a little extra. No, I have not been acting like a crazy person, but in fact, I have become a little freer and more confident in my ways. We sometimes build our stereotypes, which can be right, but in my experience, getting out of the comfort zone and doing a little bit extra may open a wide range of possibilities. 

Life can be long or short; it is all about perspective.

Dedicating it to a purpose has made mine more meaningful. My personal experience says that milestones and goals are not enough. There has to be a deep-rooted cause that makes your inner soul shine and smile. It then becomes food for the soul and we sometimes call it bliss. 

A few months back, in July, I was invited as a panelist at a medical college and we were discussing the same topic, and students started asking this one question: how to find purpose?

Well, I answered: Some people seem to spend their whole lives dissatisfied, in search of purpose but sometimes a person can be mistaken when they feel their lives are meaningless. The error is based on their failure to recognize what does matter, instead of becoming overly focused on what they believe is missing from their existence. So ask yourself again- ‘what does matter?’ And you will gain clarity at so many angles.

I have used an awesome 6-question matrix which has always helped me gain clarity in many situations, be it personal or professional. DM me for the matrix.

#realconversations #realfoods #realpeople


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