Welcome to Heal & Beyond
Lady in a garden where she is plucking carrots

Lady in a garden where she is plucking carrots


It’s not a whole burger, a whole chips packet. 

It is ‘Whole’ food, a food that comes from mother nature directly and is not converted into a name-sake food, it is not made into any kind of ‘tasty product’. Because the moment those steps happen it is called ‘processing’ and processing can be very unhealthy sometimes to the effect that the food is carcinogenic (cancer-causing).


Not just packaged foods, sometimes we highly processed foods in our own kitchen from our own hands. Overcooking, Deep frying, Overheating completely kills the natural goodness of the food. Hence homemade is sometimes equally harmful.

Hence incorporating simple ‘whole’ food into a diet is the best way to appreciate life and bring back health in your body. An apple is a whole food, it grows in the natural environment and is full of goodness, vitamins, and all sorts of enzymes that your body actually needs. Not just an apple, if you go into a vegetable market you will find a number of options of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and whatnot. All these items are whole foods. So, make lightly cooked meals, salads, juices, smoothies, and kinds of yummy options from them rather than buying highly processed food which is way too expensive and has more chemicals and preservatives than actual nutrition.


If you look into all the studies that are out there that have researched all the different fruits, you’ll see they have found anti-cancer nutrients that actually kill cancer cells. I can go on talking about the goodness of different kinds of fruits, vegetables, roots, seeds, nuts, grains. The natural fruits have super healing properties, every fruit is a cleanser. It goes inside the body and LITERALLY removes mucus and congestion. A glass of green juice is full of green chlorophyll which completely mimics our blood. Wholefoods are responsible for ‘making’ new good blood, good nourishment, and nutrition for each and every cell. It is what our body is actually made up of. It is kind of our soil. The better the quality of the soil the better and beautiful the plant is.

It is very crucial for a man or a woman to know about real foods. It is the basic source of their existence and vitality. Do not ignore your basics as they are the only reason you live and exist. I provide every single piece of information in detail and help you coach your lifestyle gradually in a way that you completely heal and rejuvenate too. Have a look at our programs at http://www.healandbeyond.com/programs.asp  and DM us to get you started.

Eat super wholefoods, get rid of all the medicines, feel energized and give yourself a new life.

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