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The human body is made up of 70% water. We need water to carry out the functioning of our body such as a good bowel movement, blood flow, hydrating each organ, skin health, cleaning the urinary tract, sweating properly each and everything has water involved.

One of my favorite books by Dr. Batmangheligj says that 22kgs of body weight need 1 liter of water. So, calculate your requirement now!

Dr. Batmangheligj also says that most pain people experience is nothing but chronic dehydration. So, if you have tendonitis, back pain, or other random pains that are not from injuries, it’s because the discs between your spine (or other joints) that are hydrated are becoming dehydrated.

Keep track of the quantity of water. Start calculating your water intake consciously for a few days but trust me after a few days it will become your habit. Set up alarms and consciously do that. It might sound basic and simple but the key to real health is simple only.


There are a few important aspects on drinking water-
1. Drink water that is chlorine and fluoride-free. Chlorine kills bacteria. Your digestive system is composed of bacteria, so if you drink tap water or use it for cooking. Basically, any type of thing with chlorine in it, you’re destroying your natural gut flora. So, the kind of water you drink is really important. You should get a reverse osmosis system or any type of really good filter that gets rid of fluoride and chlorine, it’s absolutely essential to have optimal health. 

 I would not recommend any kind of ‘alkaline water filter system here. The best option will be to collect rainwater or have access to natural water which will not be practically possible for so many people. 

2. Drinking water by sitting and sipping slowly may be using a straw. Sometimes we are not hungry, our brain signals hunger but the body is actually hungry to hydrate, and it needs to meet the water requirement. Instead of eating food, get yourself a glass of water, sit down and slowly sip it. You will realize there are at least 3 times a day when you end up snacking but all you need is a glass of water.

Salts also play a major role in hydrating. If you feel your body can not hydrate even if you drink an adequate amount of water. You might have to add a pinch of salt to your water once or twice a week. This helps to light up the nervous system that helps us to hydrate.  

Also, it will actually depend on the type of individual needs, but I will only recommend going for natural salts and no refined salts. Refined packaged salt may contain aluminum and hold no natural iodine or nutritional value to your food.

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