Welcome to Heal & Beyond

Hi everyone,
It’s been a long since my last message.
So here comes one.

I have witnessed an era where trending traditional diets, ghee is a superfood, detox for your health, organic is the only real food, not to forget protein is a must-have (else you will feel left out) and so much more.

Let’s face it. We all contribute in some way to our healthy lifestyle.
Sometimes by investing in ‘expensive’ products which are known as edible foods. Sometimes by chugging that protein shake.

If you ask me, what has been my understanding of the whole concept of health. It is simple.

Firstly, let’s stop binge eating in the name of traditional diets.
Your grandfather was not sitting on a chair in an AC room all day. He was out there in the sun, sweating, moving (a lot), and eating unadulterated amazing food.
Current lifestyles can not be compared to those and so our food can also not be compared.

Secondly, Food is important but the movement is equally important. And, and more important is clean air, clean water, clean produce (fruits and vegetables).
Our carbon footprints 👣 need to be analyzed. What are we doing with mother nature by littering everything around us?
It is going to come back into the food plate.
The plastic is thrown out, it’s not just out there. It is in the soil, it infuses into the food.
The chemicals carelessly disposed of enters in water. And there are so many complaints of hair fall, skin problems, health problems, etc.

To sum it up.
Happiness, mother nature, the way we eat (cooking and eating both), movement (exercise) each and everything counts.

So don’t overwhelm yourself with confusing information.
Be logical, find common sense in the concepts. If it is apparent, obvious, and making sense then invite it into your daily routine.
Make it simple and you will be shocked to see progress and results coming your way!

Lots of love
Nidhi xo

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