Welcome to Heal & Beyond

How your system heals naturally without medicines. SHOCKING RIGHT? But this is the TRUTH.

The Divine Human Body is Designed to Heal Itself. The power that makes your body heal lies within. Let’s take an example of a fresh cut on finger bleeding in sometime a scab forms and it heals. There are 50 to 75 trillion cells in a human’s body and the nervous system is the master control system of them all.

To enhance the natural healing is when you follow a simple natural least processed lifestyle, so that the immune system & every organ functions natural cleaning and natural foods nourishing happens automatically.

It is very easy to live such a lifestyle; it is just about the second you make the decision to take care and respect your inner body!

The moment we break the supply of natural foods and start feeding junk and highly processed foods, the human system starts finding error and at some level of saturation it becomes very difficult for the body to survive healthy and dis-eases starts.

I can discuss a lot about Ancient ways of living, Placebo effect, Power of Thoughts, but the main takeaway is if you incline your nutrition, take proper cleaning routines with evolving inner peace the DIVINE INTELLIGENCE of your body will heal any dis-ease or condition.

Going on the right track of nutrition takes more of that ‘extra’ effort but we should never forget- ‘WE ARE WHAT WE EAT’

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