Welcome to Heal & Beyond

Hello everyone,

I love planning my day and month with the help of a planner. (at least for the things that are possible to plan) Recently I found my old to-do diary from 2018. It had all kinds of motivating quotes, affirmations, and lists. Today when I look at them I find it a bit vague, impossibly simple, and naive to believe.

All this feeling gave me a space to rethink ‘why am I feeling this way?’
I came to realise that because those things are now done and are in my system already is the reason I find them not so valuable. But they were actually basic building blocks of my personality.

So here I am sharing a few notes from Nidhi 2O19’s diary. It might change a tiny bit of your perception (in a good way).

For your attention and focus to become better-
F- Free from thoughts (we all can try)
A- Active (physically and mentally)
S- State (all learnings are state-dependent eg- happy, sad, angry, excited)
T- Teach the things you learned (this imprints everything on your memory)

How to visualise?
By visualising I mean imagine the goal/dream with all 5 senses- touch, see, feel, listen and talk.

(For those of you who don’t know, visualising a dream/goal properly helps us achieve it! Just a tip- keep the goal/dream achievable)

So here are the few things which helped me, hope it helps you too! Have a good day.
Lots of love
Nidhi xo

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