Welcome to Heal & Beyond

Try to understand the actual health concepts otherwise, you may become a target to marketing ads, and you may end up becoming sick, even after spending a lot and thinking that you made the right choices.
Try to read, learn and know otherwise you will never know that all physically fit humans are not internally healthy, that one can look healthy outside and may still need a lot of healing inside.
Try to find your answers, because every situation has deep-sighted meanings to it because what may seem a must-do from the outside could be fake from the inside.
Try to be confident in your skin, else you will make desperate decisions to achieve impractical goals.
Try to be consistent, and you will see miraculous healing, dreams born and health regained, and consequently, you will not just end up believing in myths, fads, and trends.
Try to know what a human body is capable of, to feel really healthy and happy inside out beyond definitions and standards, become aware of that beyond, and welcome it into your life. Otherwise, you will end up believing that you are made only for a panorama and instead inside you there are wonderful landscapes still to visit and heal!


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