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What is an Enema?

An enema is a form of colon cleansing which involves inserting liquid via the rectum into the colon. Enemas help to clear waste from the lower part of the colon as well as help the body to detoxify.


Why Enemas?

Toxins are EVERYWHERE in our environment – in our food, water, homes, clothes, beauty products, fragrances, cleaning products, medications and so much more. They are even in the air we breath.

Toxins and heavy metals can be hard for our body to break down and eliminate. If they are not eliminated correctly, over time they can build up and cause all kinds of problems.

To avoid this happening we need to support our organs of elimination. In particularly our liver and our gut!

Thats where enemas come in. They can support our bodies innate ability to detoxify and MOVE THINGS OUT!


What do I Need to Preform an Enema?

Enemas can be preformed safely from your home – you want a bathroom with a lock so you can relax and not have to worried about getting interrupted.

Firstly, you will need an enema kit. They are very easy to clean, store and travel with. You can purchase an enema kit here

You will also need filtered water.


How do I do an Enema?

Firstly you’ll need to prepare your liquid. For a water enema bring 2 litres of filtered water to the boil and then allow to cool to body temperature – you don’t want it too hot as it can burn your insides and too cold can be just as uncomfortable. It should be lukewarm.

While this is happening set up the bathroom. You’ll want to be as close to the toilet as possible. Lay a towel down on the floor plus an extra towel or blanket to cover you if it’s cold. Set up your enema kit and grab half a teaspoon of coconut oil.

Once the water is cooled, close the clasp on your enema kit and pour the liquid in. Hang the enema bag on a towel rack, shower curtain rack or anywhere high that will allow gravity to do it’s thing. The higher the bag, the faster the water moves.

Lay down on the towel. You can lay on your back or side, what ever is most comfortable. I like to start on my left side, roll over to my back and then right side. But do what works for you.

Place a small amount of coconut oil on the enema tip and insert into your rectum, it only needs to go about 2 inches.

Once inserted, release the clamp and allow the water to follow in. You can slow the flow down by clamping or pinching the hose. Take in as much liquid as feels comfortable – don’t worry if its only a small amount. Everyone is different and there is no perfect amount. To stop, clamp the hose and remove the tip.

You can hold for up to 15 minutes or release straight away.

When you feel the urge, jump on to the toilet and release. It may take a bit of time so have a good book, a movie or just breath through it. The release may be liquid, formed stool, or a whole lot of gas. It can be different every time. What ever happens its all good!

If you can only take in a little of the liquid, you can lay back down after your release and try it all over again.

Once you are done, clean your kit and tip and put the towels in the wash.

You may want to stay around the house for at least an hour after as you may have a movement or release more liquid after. If you feel an urge, go to the toilet, it could be gas but it might not be!

How Often Can I do an Enema?

This depends on your health goals and what symptoms you currently have. If you are constipated a daily enema may be beneficial for you to clear out waste while you work with a health care practitioner to determine the underlying problem.

If you use your bowels daily and feel completed after, you may only want to use enemas weekly or monthly to help promote detoxification.

Fun Fact:

Enemas were used in ancient Greece, Egypt and India. They used animal bladders to hold the liquid and cows horns or hollow bones to insert the liquid into the rectum.

They were also used in World War II before surgeries and to help with pain relief.


How Your Skin, Lungs, Kidneys, Joints, and Liver are Affected

Our bodies are amazing and it’s incredible that the colon can continue to expand to hold all this waste! Ever seen someone with a big gut and skinny legs – that’s a telltale sign of a “mega-colon”.

Once your colon is backed up, the first organ to be affected is the liver. The liver hasn’t got the capacity to filter all these extra toxins that haven’t been excreted, so they go back and are re-circulated in the bloodstream.

Having toxic blood leaves you feeling tired, with no energy. Toxic blood also can cause joint issues. And if the liver can’t handle all the toxins, the overflow then starts to burden the kidneys.

When the kidneys can’t handle anymore, the lungs are the next avenue of elimination. Then the skin becomes a final relief valve for all the backed-up waste.

To be healthy, ALL channels of elimination should be working optimally. Just think about it, if you take a bath to clean your outside every day, then why not clean your inside as well.

In the following health conditions, water enema should not be taken:

  • Ascites.
  • Chest injuries.
  • Diarrhea with mucus.
  • Emaciated body, underweight, malnutrition or excessive weakness.
  • Immediately after taking food (up to 3-6 hours).
  • Inflamed Anus.
  • Piles.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Vomiting.

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