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Ancient skincare practices from India and around the world have been deeply rooted in natural remedies and holistic approaches to beauty. Here are some notable ones.


1. Ayurveda: Ayurveda promotes balance in the body’s energies(doshas) through plant based diet, lifestyle, and skincare routines. Ingredients like turmeric, neem, sandalwood, and rose water are commonly used and are all natural.

2. Ubtan: Ubtan can be made vegan by using ingredients like chickpea flour, turmeric, sandalwood, and rose water, which are all plant-based and cruelty-free. It’s still effective for exfoliating and brightening the skin without any animal products.

Around the World:

1. Egypt: Ancient Egyptians used natural oils like jojoba and olive oil for moisturizing, and they also used plant based ingredients like almond milk and agave nectar can be used for cleansing and softening the skin.

2. Greece: Greeks used olive oil for skincare, including cleansing and moisturizing. They also used honey and yogurt masks for hydrating and soothing the skin. Plant based alternatives like coconut yogurt and agave nectar can replace honey and dairy yogurt for cruelty-free skincare.

3. China: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) emphasizes internal balance for external beauty. Ingredients like green tea, ginseng, and pearl powder have been used in skincare routines for centuries and are all natural.

4. Japan: Japanese skincare focuses on simplicity and purity. Plant based ingredients like rice water, seaweed, and camellia oil are traditionally used for brightening, hydrating, and protecting the skin without any animal derivatives.

These adaptations maintain the essence of the ancient practices while aligning with plant based principles, promoting ethical and cruelty-free skincare routines.

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