Welcome to Heal & Beyond

Your passion is a wonderful helper in healing. Not just healing but it is necessary for a healthy body and happy soul. 

Taking out time for your own happiness and interests is like self-loving and respecting the existence of your life. We might not realize this but when we keep on doing the things we hate, we fall into a pattern of lazy, unmotivated lifestyle where we are doing things just for the sake of it and this kind of pattern sucks out all the juice from your life. So to keep up with this we must parallelly do something we absolutely enjoy and love. 

The diseases or disorders feed on the thoughts, feelings, energies and continue to degenerate the body on physical levels. When you are already busy and happy with a passionate hobby or profession, you do not have time to be sad or lonely.  

When there are things in life we are passionate about, our purpose of life becomes clearer and there is satisfaction in life.

If you have not yet found that exciting thing that you are passionate about, keep yourself engaged in the journey of unraveling that ‘PASSION’ for your soul. Be crazy about it, love it, and live it.

Healing includes every aspect of a human being from physical health, fitness, emotions, well-being, mental attitude to spiritual strength. It is not just that ‘one thing.

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