Welcome to Heal & Beyond

A relationship can be empowering and a relationship can be discouraging and this is the most important part of a relationship-       ‘’ How does it make you feel’’? 

Life is too short so don’t let anyone discourage you, in fact, don’t let anyone make you lose your confidence.

People around us contribute majorly to this principle of health. Yes, the relationship is one of the 7 principles of health. It is obviously in our hands to decide whether we want to be empowered or discouraged.

A happy, supporting, peaceful relationship between life partners, friends, family, office colleagues can lead towards a very positive vibe which contributes majorly to overall well-being. 


Happy Mind- Happy Soul- Positive Choices

With all the overthinking, overanalyzing, and judging the loss is your own, there is no peace in the mind and all thoughts are entangled with worry, anxiety, and resentment. 

To reset your thinking I will suggest a ‘CLEAR’ process. This process is meant to reset your mind and thoughts and help you highlight the positives of every relationship you have. 

To start this, use the word ‘CLEAR’ as a reminder to clear all pain, stress, anxiety, worry out of your mind. When you repeat the word ‘CLEAR’ imagine a broom or a vacuum cleaner clearing all the mess out of your system. Repeat the word several times until you can tell something has cleared, indicated by you feeling lighter, more at ease, freer, more open, and happy. When you will start saying ‘CLEAR’ it will initially take a moment to visualize the clutter. Slowly and gradually you will see the problems disappear and you will recall no solid reason to worry and this will create a happy state for yourself as well as the people around you. Sometimes your unnecessary thought pattern is also responsible for spoiling relationships, hence it’s very important to ‘CLEAR’ the clutter.

Set yourself free, trust, love, smile, utter positive words, show real care, appreciate and make time for all those empowering relationships. Your body frowns on every sad thought and shines on every happy thought. Make that thought count. Stay healthy, stay happy.

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