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Sunlight is the best natural disinfectant. Everyone is afraid of the sun these days, the reason being the tanning, the ‘UV rays’ etc. Firstly, let me clear this up that I am mentioning the sun ’light’ not the sun ‘heat’.

Take the light, soft sunlight on your skin is how Vit D will be made. It’s not just about Vit D, sunlight is also responsible for carrying on many small functions of the body. It helps in keeping a happy mental state and a positive attitude. It is literally like bringing light into the body and removing all dullness and diseases.

Each and every organ is able to function properly when sunlight is in your diet. Yes, it is one of the major meals for the human body, SUNDIET.

When that UV light shines into your body, the waves move through the body and they hit the cholesterol inside of the arteries, changing the cholesterol into vitamin D – which is actually a hormone. This hormone affects the entire endocrine system. 

There are so many people who have hormone imbalances and emotional issues and a big contributing factor to this is a lack of vitamin D, lack of sunshine. 

If you live in a location where you can’t get out in the sun, or you perceive that you can’t, ensure you take every opportunity (no matter how small) to get in it. A lot of people say they can’t get out in the sun because they work all day. But they have an hour for lunch. That’s a perfect time to go outside, go for a walk, wear what you can to allow as much of your body to be exposed to the sun. Take your lunch outside and eat in the sun. Soak it up during that lunch hour every day when you can. 

It’s so important.

If you look at the list of ingredients in sunscreens, some of them are carcinogenic. And you are baking those chemicals into your skin. It’s my belief that sunscreen can cause cancer. I know that may be hard for a lot of people to accept, but for me, it’s true. 

By putting carcinogenic chemicals on your skin, you are blocking your body’s ability to create vitamin D, which leads to osteoporosis, depression, cancer, etc.  There’s a doctor by the name of Cedric Garland, from the University of Southern California, and his research has proven to show that a lack of vitamin D is one of the number one causes of cancer. 

So please get in the sun and embrace it. It’s been around since the existence of time itself. There would be no life without it. 

Start to love the sun. 
Stop the fear of getting in the sun.
Get out and let the sun soak in your body. 

Be happy and smart about it.

There are some plant-based oils that naturally contain SPF that can be used instead of sunscreen.

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