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Lady doing yoga in an open field

Lady doing yoga in an open field

The term exercise has gained various fancy explanations these days which has not only made it difficult and tiresome but also expensive. Exercising is something that is supposed to cheer you up, just like how a small kid gets excited with the thought of playing outdoors (at least the 90’s kid)

The whole idea is to MOVE YOUR BODY.

It is very important to move and use the body because if you don’t use it, you will lose it.  Exercising is like moving the whole body in all dimensions so that it sweats out all toxicity from the largest organ ‘skin’. It can be as easy as simply brisk walking for continuous 45 mins. It can be as simple as a yoga session. If you are somebody who enjoys HIIT, weight training then that for you, but it should not be a standard definition of ‘exercise’. Let’s make and understand the concept of moving your body sustainable and doable.

Humans are designed to walk. Humans are bi-pedal creatures and are meant to walk. I would say that when we do walk, and if we walk consistently and a lot, then we are actually strengthening the body in ways that we just don’t even know. 

You can’t separate walking from your life. When you are walking you are actually massaging your entire digestive system, which helps in the removal of all the undigested food out of your body. 


When walking, have you ever noticed the cross-patterning motion, left foot-right arm, that naturally happens? It is this cross-patterning motion, from walking, that rewires the brain. Walking is one of the greatest things for your mood. So many people nowadays are imbalanced emotionally, with various kinds of mental and personal l things going on. One of the greatest things you can do if you are really angry, upset, frustrated, or fearful is to walk it out. 


All of our ancestors naturally used to walk a lot. Even to get their daily needs fulfilled they have to walk a few km’s. Our entire body is now more comfortable with sitting, sitting in a car, sitting on the office chair, sitting on the washroom seat, etc. Moving the body is crucial to activating the lymphatic and immune systems of the body. By moving the body, we help the lymph fluid flow and remove all the toxins in the form of sweat. The lymphatic system acts as a sewage system for the whole body, it is responsible for cleaning a lot of waste. To activate your lymphatic system and build your immunity.


You can start by practicing a regular walking for 45 mins and activating your 7 chakras by practicing Tibetan rites – https://youtu.be/AN2tv_JCarg 


Crawl before you walk. Walk before you run. And be consistent.

If you are unable to exercise outside, for any number of reasons, invest in some exercise equipment, a great one is a treadmill, to enable you to exercise indoors.

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