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We all know about the infinite benefits of Pranayama. Let me bring a
deeper yet simpler explanation to what happens when you breathe
in fresh oxygen-rich air. Oxygen from the lungs reaches the blood and
the entire bloodstream transports it to every organ. Oxygen helps
the food digest, helps in cleaning the bloodstream from carbon
Not just deep breathing exercises, it is very crucial to breathe in
oxygen-rich air, so make sure to surround yourself with indoor plants
which give oxygen. Some of them are snake plant, money plant,
peace lily, areca palm.
We sometimes do not realize but the air inside our house is polluted
to some extent due to the use of refrigerators, air conditioners,
electronic gadget’s radiation, chemicals, and sprays used in cleaning

the house, the chemicals used by the furniture company to make an
ideal furniture piece for your house etc.
Keep a smart eye on those areas as well. Open the windows, use
ceiling fans, indoor plants, clean you are indoors so that you do not end
up breathing chemicals. People with allergies and other breath-related problems must be more observant about this factor.
I have a very simple deep breathing pattern of 3 minutes. Simply
listen to the audio and follow the instructions. The good part is you
can do this after your heavy lunch or dinner to increase the blood
flow and make you more energetic. Here is the link-

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